Acoustics in Action Photoshoot Featured in January 2022 IOA Bulletin 

As part of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) initiative to own a large and diverse stock of images for  its media communications and purposes, the  Acoustics Group has donated 865 photos to contribute to that stock.

A photoshoot session was designed and led by IOA Diploma course director at LSBU, Dr Luis Gomez-Agustina, to provide attractive images that represent and illustrate the  acoustics profession in action. Six students on the current 2021-22 Diploma course kindly assisted Luis with the photoshoot. The IOA has expressed gratitude to the Acoustics Group and featured one of the photos on the front page of the January 2022 Bulletin issue (here shown).  The photos will also be used for relevant promotional communications at LSBU.

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