Professor Lilly Kudic
Head of Division
020 7815 7101

- Design studio research centred on interface between architecture and progressive structural design; promotion of the principle of structure as space
- Co-leader, Studio 23 [MArch: Master of Architecture]
- Promotion of LSBU as international collaborator in design projects (Polyark 2, Polyark 3, Polyark 4, Polyark 5)
- Invited member of RIBA validation panel (visiting boards to China, Colombia, Egypt, Lebanon, Serbia, Sri Lanka, UK etc.)
- Invited member of UNESCO-UIA validation panel (visiting boards to Egypt, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia etc.)
- External examiner in Peru and Romania
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Research centred on interface between architecture and progressive structural design; structure as space
- Working on collaboration with Arab Academy of Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt to accept their Bachelors students to LSBU MArch: Master of Architecture
- Promotion of LSBU as centre of excellence in design through making (especially MArch, and MSc courses)
Recent Outputs
- My studio’s work has been exhibited in the annual President’s Medals exhibition at RIBA headquarters, London (2006-17). My students have won the following awards in this competition:
- Winner, RIBA President’s Bronze Medal for best degree scheme
- Three RIBA President’s Medals Bronze Medal commendations
- Winner, RIBA President’s Silver Medal online vote
- Two RIBA President’s Medals Silver Medal commendations
- Globally, my studio’s work has formed part of the RIBA President’s Medals travelling exhibition exhibited in Australia, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, France, India, Lebanon, Romania, Serbia, Sri Lanka, and Turkey
- Outside the UK, locations of the exhibition have included the Biblioteca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt; the Kadir Has gallery, Istanbul, Turkey; the Confluence Institute, Lyon, France; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile; CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India
- Invited speaker at Architectural Association Shadow Series, London; Universidad Nacional Ingenieria, Lima, Peru; Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Germany
International & Professional Links
- University of Architecture and Urbanism, Ion Mincu, Bucharest Romania (external examiner; collaborative working)
- Universidad Nacional Ingenieria, Lima, Peru (external examiner; collaborative working)
- Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Delhi, India (co-hosted conference)
- University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (collaborative working)
- American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt (collaborative working)
- Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow, Russia (collaborative working)
- Mongji University, Seoul, South Korea (collaborative working)
- Member of both RIBA and UNESCO-UIA validation panels visiting schools in China, Colombia, Egypt, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Russia, Sri Lanka, and United Kingdom (monitoring academic standards)
Mr Luke Murray
Associate Head of Division
Course Director for MArch Architecture
020 7815 7282

- Theory of design, tools, techniques and implementation
- Structure as space
- Advanced materials and speculative design
- Innovative design and processes
- Architecture as a constructive art
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Theory of design, tools, techniques and implementation
- Structure as space
- Advanced materials and speculative design
- Innovative design and processes
- Architecture as a constructive art
International & Professional Links
- ARB Architects Registration Board
- Birkbeck University
- The Aristotelian Society
- International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture.
Miss Kira Ariskina
Senior Lecturer
Course Director for Architecture Apprenticeships
020 7815 7117

- High-density residential and mix-use architecture
- Strategic masterplanning
- Building Information Modelling (Implementation and management within established businesses)
- Constructivist architecture
- Higher Education Teaching, curriculum development MA degrees in architecture and design, architecture apprenticeships
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Architectural Design – future trends
- Constructivism
- Methodologies of pedagogy in architecture
International & Professional Links
- Moscow Architectural Institute – MarchI, Moscow Russia
- Ural State University of Architecture and Art in Ekaterinburg, Russia
Mr Steve Bowkett
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 7153

- The pedagogical relationship between drawing, space and architecture
- The study of ‘Cybernetics’, as an iterative design and teaching methodology
- New Cultures of the Diaspora; the effect of the cultural hybridization on urban living
- New sustainable developments in Concrete technology
- The regeneration of urban landscapes; The development of Live / Work spaces in Cities and its effect on planning policies
- The 20th Century House
Research & Enterprise Interests
- The pedagogical relationship between drawing, space and architecture
- The study of ‘Cybernetics’, as an iterative design and teaching methodology.
Recent Outputs
- April 2019 AAE Conference Westminster University ; The Beautiful Accident; Cybernetics, Synectics and Serendipity – defining creative design pedagogy through ‘Oblique Strategies’
- Summer 2019 ‘Archidoodle Home: The Architects Activity Book’ Pub: Laurence King
- Feb 2017 ‘Archidoodle City: The Architects Activity Book’ Pub: Laurence King 2017 (Published in 10 Languages)
- 2017. Dystopian Skyscraper Film Feature, ShortList Magazine
International & Professional Links
- University of Applied Sciences, Dresden
- TVB, School of Design, Delhi
- Oxford Brookes University
- Westminster University
- AHMM Architects, DRMM Architects, TonkinLui Architects, Theis and Kahn Architects
Mr Todor Demirov
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 xxxx

Mr Juan-Carlos Fenick-Sanchez
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 7663

Ms Margarita Germanos
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 xxxx

Mr Hyunbai Jun
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 7155

- Computational Architecture
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Computation in Architecture
- Computer-aided-design and frabrication
International & Professional Links
Mr Spyridon Kaprinis
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 7101

- Producing 2D drawings & 3D models for (mainly using Rhinoceros and Maya)
- Participating in competitions as a 3D Designer/Part II Architect, modeller and visualizer (using Rhinoceros and Maya)
- Experience in leading, supervising and managing architectural assistants and architects as they create key stage drawings, specifications and construction information
- Co-leading MArch design studios and providing teaching through tutorials, seminars, and workshops
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Congruence as style | typology
- Congruence as concept | narrative
- Congruence as dia-/digi-gramming
- Congruence as technique
- Congruence as anatopism
Recent Outputs
- (Exhibition) Exhibition ‘The house. The mentor. The archive’ _ Christian Kieckens / 12.02.2016 – 05.06.2016, DeSingel, Antwerp, Belgium (Display of AA Diploma Thesis/Design drawings, entitled “ Anatopism” by Spyridon Kaprinis, Architectural Association, 2001-2002).
- 2011 - 2012, Yearbook, Interdisciplinary Projects, Artesis University College Antwerp, Workshop title: «TRANSFORMore: From Memory To Imagination» by Kaprinis / Tsironi. (p.185), UPA / University Press, Antwerp, Belgium.
- (Publication) 2012, “The Autopoiesis Of Architecture (Vol.II): A New Agenda For Architecture” Patrik Schumacher _ 11.4 Elegance (fig. 112/fig.113: Parametric Gothic Interior), John Willey & Sons Ltd., London. ISBN-10: 0470666161 / ISBN-13: 978-0470666166.
- (Publication) Anastasios Tellios (editor), Agile Design: Advanced Architectural Cultures, CND Publications, Thessaloniki, 2014 (Essay title: “Inflection / On The Complexity of Emerging Elegance”), ISBN 978 960 88610 9 1.
- (Published article) 29.06.2011, Archisearch, “The Congruence Of Dia-/Digi-Gramming” (published article),
- (Published article) 04.07.2011, Archisearch, “Congruent Architectures: On Typology And Narrative” (published article),
International & Professional Links
- Registered Architect with the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE/TCG) since 2003.
Mr Matthew Morrish
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 7394

Mr Onur Ozkaya
Senior Lecturer
Course Director for MSc Architecture
020 7815 7166

- Developing industrial design solutions for commercial brands.
- Architectural Design – Digital Manufacturing.
- Higher Education Teaching, curriculum development for both BA and MA degrees in architecture and design.
- Digital Fabrication and rapid prototyping techniques and technologies.
- Traditional manufacturing process knowledge and experience such as, injection moulding, CNC, concrete and metal work in the field architecture and furniture design.
- Specialist Advanced CAD, BIM and manufacturing training for architectural, engineering and design companies.
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Digital Fabrication and rapid-prototyping (3dprinting, CNC and robotic use)
- Industrial design and furniture design (mass manufacture)
- Value engineering for architectural and design process.
- Sustainable materials and their production methods in the field of architecture and design.
- Furniture design with composite materials such as carbon-fibre, fiberglass and fibre-concrete.
- Pedagogic issues in the field of architecture and design with the help of digital techniques and technologies.
- Ozkaya, O., and Morrish, M. (2018). Synthetic Landscapes: New Strategies for Landscape, Infrastructure and Architecture. Paper presented at ARCHDESIGN '18 / V. International Architectural Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13 Apr 2018 - 14 Apr 2018.
- Featured Project in Book: Organic Design: Products Inspired by Nature, 2016, Sendpoints, P. 132-133.
- Featured Project in Book: Klooster, Thorsten (2009), Smart Surfaces and their Application in Architecture and Design, Birkhauser, P.57
- Panel Speaker at Design for Manufacturing Summit, London, 2015-2017
- Conference Speaker, Designing Creative Synergies, The International Hellenic University, Greece, 2016
- Institute for computational design, Architecture, Stuttgart University, Germany.
- Ringling College of Art & Design, Florida, U.S.A.
- Bilkent University, Turkey
- International Hellenic University, Greece
- Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain.
- Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
- Architectural Association, School of Architecture, London, U.K.
Ms Carlene Prince
Senior Lecturer
020 7815 8989

- Architecture and Urban Design
- Teaching Degree - architectural studies
- Building design, process and analysis
International & Professional Links
- ARB - Architects Registration Board
- RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects
Mr Federico Rossi
Senior Lecturer
Course Director for MSc Digital Architecture and Robotics
020 7815 7130

- Computational design and process innovation
- Advanced materials and constructive systems
- Robotic control and digital fabrication
- Integrated digital design processes
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Computational design and process innovation
- Mobility and community projects
- Robotic control and digital fabrication
- Integrated digital design processes
Recent Outputs
- EcoShell Marathon Project; Digital Manufacturing of large-scale mock-up for a solar vehicle; Project value: £5K
- Southwark Council – London College Communication; Digital Manufacturing project for Southwark Council with Mayor of London; Project value: £7K
- Robotic research partnership with Delcam UK; DARLAB joined Autodesk Manufacturing and Delcam UK to receive their software, training support on site in order to write research grants with a large consortium for UK innovate; Project value: £25K
- Quayola Ars Electronic Volkswagen Berlin; Robotic programming and design development for digital mock-up and museum nstallation in in Berlin at the VW Drive Museum; Project value: £9K
- Ars Electronic Linz - robotic installation; Robotic programming and installation for Ars Electronica Linz; Project value: £2K
- Royal Academy of Ars; Final project exhibited at the RA Summer Show 2016
International & Professional Links
- Autodesk/ Delcam PLC, Birmingham, UK
- SCMGroup UK, Sheffield, UK
- HAL Robotics, London, UK
- QD Design, Pisa, Italy
- University of Ancona, Italy
- Beirut Arab University, Egypt
Angela Vanezi
Senior Lecturer
Course Director for BA (Hons) Architecture
020 7815 7251

- Building Information Modelling (Coordination and Management)
- Project Management
- Innovative design in Architecture and Engineering
- Strategic masterplanning
- Architectural Design and Analysis
- Architectural Design – Digital Manufacturing.
- Masterplanning
- Leading, supervising and managing architectural assistants and architects at key stages of delivery, specifications and construction information.
- Co-leading MArch design Studio 20 providing teaching through tutorials, seminars, and workshops.
- Invited member of RIBA validation panel
Research & Enterprise Interests
- Building Information Modelling
- Kinetic Architecture
- Tectonic Architecture
- Architecture and Phycology
International & professional Links
- ARB - Architects Registration Board
- RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects
- ETEK/CY Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber