jesus christ superstar (1)

3563521348?profile=RESIZE_710xAn Acoustics masterclass will be given by Rob Harris, from ISVR, Universisty of Southamnpton and Theatre Projects, at 6pm on Thursday 19 September 2019 at the Keyworth Centre (Keyworth Lecture Threatre B). If you're interested in attending, please email the organiser, Dr Luis Gomez-Agustina at

Auditorium acoustics is interesting in that objective science and engineering are employed to elicit subjective perceptions and emotions. This lecture discusses the auditorium acoustic design of concert halls, opera houses and theatres. It starts with describing some fundamental requirements for audiences, performers and other stakeholders. Both scientific and other factors are considered. The lecture will then look at how the art and science have developed over the last 35 years. This will include the use of scale and computer modelling, the paradigm shift of auralisation and the integration of architecture and creative digital audio. The scientific and engineering r

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