Research Hub Session: ‘What constitutes theoretical contribution in publishing in the CME field?’ Hosted by Professor Paul W Chan - Editor-in-Chief of “Construction Management and Economics”

On Wednesday 26 February 2020, guest speaker Professor Paul W Chan - Editor-in-Chief of “Construction Management and Economics”, delivered a Research Hub session on behalf of the School of BEA, about ‘What constitutes theoretical contribution in publishing in the CME field?’


Paul W Chan holds the Chair of Design and Construction Management and is Director of the Graduate School at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in Delft University of Technology. His research focuses on human relations in project-based contexts, and he has managed a number of funded projects that examine how people cope with social, organisational and technological change. He has authored over 90 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, including a co-authored book on Constructing Futures: Industry leaders and futures thinking in construction (Wiley-Blackwell). He is Editor-in-Chief of Construction Management and Economics, and Immediate Past Chair of ARCOM.


In this insightful session, Paul W Chan reflected on what theoretical contribution can mean in an applied field like construction management and economics, and how to position this in papers for journal publications.


The session was well attended and engaged a lot of interaction from staff who attended, which was evident from the level of debate at the end of the session. The session was followed by lunch.


On behalf of the School of BEA, we would like to thank Professor Paul W Chan for delivering such an informative session and look forward to working with him again.


Please see the attached link for the editorial piece Professor Chan referred to during his session, entitled ‘Revisiting Basics’ (

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