ccibse (1)

On 22 May 2022 BEA PhD student Mubarak Abdelrasoul Elnour Ismail successfully passed* his PhD Viva examination.

Mubarak's PhD project and his thesis are entitled: Optimization of Thermal Outputs from Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Based Heat Pump.

Mubarak defended his thesis outstandingly well during the three hour questioning and scrutiny session.

Both examiners have agreed on the recommended outcome :That Mubarak be awarded  a PhD degree subject to minor amendments being made to the thesis.

Congratulations from the School of BEA and CCiBSE go to Mubarak! And also deserved congratulations are due to his supervisory team: Prof. Dr Issa Chaer (Director of studies); Dr Abas Hadawey (Second supervisor) and Assoc. Prof Dr Alex Paurine (Third supervisor).  

The School is grateful to the Viva examination chair Dr Luis Gomez-Agustina, External Examiner: Dr Raya Al- Dadah and Internal Examiner: Prof Dr Yuntin Ge for agreeing to participate in the examination

Very well done Mubarak and all the best w

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